Discussion on anything and everything that pleases my tastes. By Anton Velikodnyy.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

For the 55% of Statistics Out There...

                “Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that.” Stated Homer Simpson, from a cartoon called The Simpsons. And, to be honest, Homer (the smart guy that he is) might be onto something. But why would he think of something ingenious if he (fictional character) is making me feel stupid, when I write?

        To understand the complicated and peanut sized brain of Mr. Simpson, one must first see how Homer acts. And his acting is pretty simple. Work “half-@$$ed” (as he stated himself) on the job. This is what he is good at, scary good. Homer also believes that, “Beer: The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” Which can be interpreted in a simple way – he drinks beer. Anyways, he also watches a lot of TV. And that is as stupid as he gets.

         Anyways, back to the quote. Homer, I think, was up to something. He believes that people lie in order to get attention. He speaks from experience. In truth, this is the reality. We, as human beings, do this from birth. Babies cry for nothing and get their mother to pick them up. Teens do bad things, to show how much of a bad@$$ (pardon my French) they are. And adults learn from this and do the same.

         Babies cry for attention. We can all agree to this, right? Most of the time the crying is pointless. And also babies laugh at the mothers laughter, because in secret they are scheming of a way to get even more atttention. 47 percent of parents agree!

Teens lie more than babies. It is becoming more of a fact than anything else. They have learned the tips and tricks of the untold truth. They know how to keep half of the truth. They know the art of blaming. And this makes them look cool! Like for example, at a point in time 67 percent of teens lied more than the children of the 47 percent of parents who have agreed.

Now onto the adults! Responsible adults are the one have not been caught being irresponsible. Lying was their savior. Such adults get promotions. Such adults have a stable relationship. Such adults have kids who dream of being firefighters and policeman. Such adults are known within their community. Obviously 95 percent of communities agree.

Based on such examples all of these are attention getters for those who are in need of attention. And just like Mr. Simpson has stated, it is all for the atttention. 55 percent of me agree.

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